I am having the most exhausting week I experienced at AMFI. We are in the middle of filmweek, what means that we had to make a film in one week to get fimiliar with all the aspects of filming. We had to write a script, make a callsheet, arrange actors and locations, shoot, edit, promote and tomorrow, we are showing everyones work. I am so tired but also very exciting because it was such a learnful week and we had so much fun. I am now uploading the film at youtube but he is stuck at the moment so I will show you later!
I wanted to share with you this recipe. I love pasta. If I had to choose one meal I had to eat the rest of my life, it would be something with pasta! As I am a student, I don't really like to cook at my two-pits cooker and I like it to be quickly done. I red this one on
Sandra's blog but as I don't speak sweedish and the google translator made a lot of weird sentences I changed it probably a little bit.

So what you need is: pasta, saugages, carrot, mushrooms, safron, sour cream and a onion.

Step 1: boil the pasta
Step 2: cut the mushrooms, saugages, carrot and onion in pieces.
Step 3: this depends if you bought safron powder or threads. If you bought threads, like I did, put a couple threads in a cup with a little bit warm water. Take a little spoon and push the threads ageains the glass. Put it away now.

Step 4: Fry the onion and the saugages at the same time. When the saugages are ready, put in the mushrooms and carrot.
Step 5: If you have one minute left, put the sour cream in.
Step 6: Strain off the water of the pasta and put the saus in the pan with the pasta. Now put the safron in with some peper and salt. Mix it.

And it is ready! Tastes delicious with some parmazane cheese.